This presentation describes the methodology, situation analysis, benchmarks for quality in the TVET sector, priorities for action and constraints on achieving quality. It sets out a National Quality Framework for the Sri Lanka National Quality Council and describes some examples of good practice |
This presentation to the Asia Pacific Bureau of Adult Education International Conference on Women in Development in Suva Fiji, 1999 outlines the results of project work undertaken in Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Solomon Islands, Fiji Islands and Vanuatu |
The following reports are available on request to mail@shirleyrandell.com.au |
Reports of the Solomon Islands Government Decentralisation Review Commission, 2000
Quality Assurance in Skills Development in Sri Lanka, 1999
Female Youth and Women’s Participation in Skills Development in Sri Lanka, 1999
Solomon Islands Provincial Government Review, 1999
Labour, Employment and Skills Development Policy Agenda, Papua New Guinea, 1997